A Detailed History

As stated in the condensed version on the home page, I was born and raised in the South, Georgia to be exact. The year was 1977. You can do the math to figure out how old I am now.

I met my now husband in high school. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 16, and we have been together ever since. Well, he did try to break up with me once, in college, but according to him I wouldn't let him. As I prefer to tell the tale, I was just too fabulous and he realized his mistake as soon as he made it and begged me to forgive him and take him back. (Or maybe it was just that I was really good at persuasive writing and my love note w/ attached poem proved to him that I was right. As if there was any doubt.)
for more on this see: Love -- it is complex, wonderful, painful, and always worth it

We married in 1997. Our two munchkins arrived in 2000 and 2003.

I have worn many hats over the years: cheerleader, summer staff for Christian youth camp, high school English teacher, cheerleading coach, stay at home mom, church secretary, Professional Organizer, church youth group counselor, low and high ropes course facilitator, part-time staff at local YMCA, office manager at same YMCA, PTO treasurer, soccer coach (ages 3 to 7) at said YMCA, Sports Administrator (yes, at the YMCA), PTO president (but only because my bestie abandoned the position when her husband got a job in Pittsburgh)........ I'm sure I missed a few things, and I know there will be many more to come, but all have played a part in making me who I am today.

I love to read.
I love music.
I love to make things with my hands.
I want to learn how to paint.
I want to take up boxing.
I love my family.
I love my friends.

For even more fun "about me" stuff see my first post "I have a blog, now what?"

I got my dream job in the Fall of 2015 as an assistant to a school librarian!! (media specialist, or whatever cool name they want to give her. she is AWESOME!!) I actually get paid to read and tell kids how awesome books are all. day. long. And on top of that, I get the same vacations as my kids!